Thursday 19 January 2017

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Où vous savez le processus va être aussi impressionnant que le résultat final That8217s comment je me sens sur l'écriture de ce post. Je veux juste que mes doigts continuent de bouger, car il y a beaucoup d'idées à venir. Avant de faire cela, je veux faire quelque chose que je ne fais jamais et que je vais pousser un projet ou une idée, mais ici nous allons: Inscrivez-vous à ma liste de courriels au bas de ce post ou dans la barre latérale droite ici. Cliquez sur ViperChill si vous lisez ceci ailleurs. Les e-mails que je viens de partager dernièrement contiennent des informations que vous avez trouvées sur n'importe quel autre site Web (même ici) principalement axées sur des idées SEO uniques. En fait, j'ai deux autres vidéos en direct à la liste cette semaine. Je mentionne la liste non seulement parce que je veux que vous vous abonnez, mais j'ai récemment lancé mon guide Warrior Forum là-bas. Une vérification de fond rapide pour ceux d'entre vous qui don8217t savoir Warrior, c'est que it8217s essentiellement un forum de discussion pour les commerçants d'Internet qui veulent apprendre sur le marketing Internet. It8217s aussi énorme avec des milliers de personnes connectées à tout moment. Mon guide était sur l'achat de produits là-bas et d'examiner si elles ont réellement à la hauteur de tous les battage. Maintenant, je connais toujours leur section WSO (marché) pour être un peu d'un endroit ombragé. Pour la plupart, it8217s fréquenté par des gens qui ne font de l'argent en enseignant aux autres comment faire de l'argent. That8217s facilement 90 des listes là-bas. I8217ve a participé un peu au cours des années (109 postes depuis Jan 2011) mais généralement maintenu hors de la zone WSO et juste offert des conseils dans d'autres domaines. Jusqu'à récemment, quand je suis allé super-saiyan mode rage. I8217ve faisais tellement de travail de SEO dernièrement avec mon type de liens (pour être révélé bientôt à ceux sur ma liste) et avoir une tonne de succès. J'ai décidé que je vérifierais l'un des guides SEO sur Warrior, juste pour voir ce que les gens parlaient ces jours-ci, car je haven8217t été impliqué dans la lecture d'autres8217 idées beaucoup. Au contraire, j'ai essayé la mienne. Inutile de dire que le premier produit que j'ai acheté a été terrible. Ça arrive, je comprends. Mais ce qui m'a vraiment été combien d'excellents commentaires cette chose a été obtenue, tout clairement faux ou influencé, et combien de marketing débutant ont été obtenir arnaque de l'argent. Mes recherches m'ont vu acheter 3 de plus de ces produits, chacun avec le même, résultat terrible de résultat. Encore une fois, there8217s détails complets et screenshots des produits réels pour ceux sur ma liste. Vous obtiendrez le PDF instantanément. Glen get8217s un peu en colère J'ai laissé la première critique négative sur un thread de produit pour un livre électronique que j'ai acheté. C'était un guide d'enseignement des gens comment faire 350 jour de leur liste de courriel, avec beaucoup de garanties. La version courte de ceci est que le produit était terrible et peut se résumer à l'expression 8220give les gens libres choses ainsi ils comme you8221. Il était également à peine lisible, et vraiment juste essayer de vous vendre sur d'autres produits par des liens d'affiliation. Mon commentaire a reçu 13 remerciements (l'équivalent forum des aime) et j'espère arrêté quelques débutants de se faire arnaquer. Je veux dire, le propriétaire du produit couldn8217t même me donner un exemple d'un 350 jours. Peu importe de le faire sur une base quotidienne. Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ensuite? Bien, il a transformé la page de vente entière en donner un autre produit gratuitement. Une petite victoire de ma part, à droite Wrong Il a ensuite eu un autre fil où il a maintenant décidé de vendre ce même produit (bien sûr, qui manquait mon avis négatif) disant que maintenant vous ne ferez 250day au lieu de 350. Pas de mise à jour des acheteurs de produits Et rien mentionné sur l'autre fil. Juste un appât I-got-catch-out et commutateur. J'ai signalé cela plusieurs fois sur la période d'une semaine. Rien n'a été fait par les modérateurs là-bas. Glen doit s'éloigner de l'ordinateur que je dois admettre, j'étais un peu énervé à ce point. Vous pourriez penser I8217m obtenir un peu trop émotionnel sur les mauvais produits sur un forum, mais je me souviens dans mon adolescence comment j'ai été tellement pris dans l'achat d'argent-faire-idée après idée sur des sites comme celui-ci. Il peut être vraiment addictif. Je vois tellement de gens pris dans ce piège, et ce qu'ils vendent est de l'ordure absolue, pour le dire bien. J'ai décidé de créer un fil sur la section du marché du forum étant ombragé, et comment les membres (comme celui qui a changé son fil entier) ont été arnaquer beaucoup de gens là-bas. Beaucoup de gens m'ont remercié pour le poste et m'ont envoyé des messages privés en accord. En une heure, il a été supprimé. Pas de PM, pas de message, rien. S'il vous plaît noter que I8217m pas seulement un membre au hasard pleurer sur le site. J'ai payé pour mon compte là et I8217m 99 sûr que j'ai le plus haut compte de poste à des mercis (aime) le rapport pour n'importe quel utilisateur sur l'ensemble du forum. Encore plus frustrant que mon rapport d'une semaine n'a rien fait, mais mon fil pourrait disparaître en moins d'une heure. Glen a besoin de revenir sur l'ordinateur et blog j'ai acheté un autre produit. Pas de vouloir une idée secrète, mais je voulais réellement l'aversion. Je voulais que ce soit mauvais pour que je puisse être 100 sans culpabilité en disant aux gens de rester à l'écart de cette section du site. C'était terrible. Dans cette vidéo de 30 minutes, qui vous a promis de faire 100 par jour avec 30 minutes de travail, vous êtes simplement dit d'utiliser 8216solo ads8217 pour construire votre liste d'email. C'était honnêtement tout ce qu'il y avait au cours. Pas ce service de messagerie à utiliser. Pas ce niche à choisir. Pas quel genre de contenu à envoyer aux gens. Juste 8220utiliser des annonces solo8221. Pourtant, la moitié des commentaires étaient incroyables. J'ai laissé un négatif, mais juste, critique. Here8217s ce que quelqu'un a immédiatement posté sur ma page Facebook: 40 minutes plus tard, il a été supprimé. Un examen d'un produit I8217d payé de l'argent pour. Je l'ai écrit à nouveau, avec un ton légèrement plus agréable. Encore une fois, supprimé dans une heure. Alan (Alan remercie) m'a incité à faire un peu de recherche dans ses témoignages regardant l'ombre: Il s'avère tout ce que vous avez à faire est de développer un réseau de personnes qui vont tous faire des témoignages vidéo pour l'autre. Cela devrait suffire à convaincre les débutants dans votre fil 8211 qui don8217t ont trop de temps libre comme je fais 8211 que vous êtes le vrai deal. Il y avait en fait beaucoup plus que cela, mais vous devriez commencer à sentir quelque chose de poisson déjà. Critiques: Supprimé. Sujet: Supprimé. Here8217s Comment j'ai EVENTUALLY Got le message à travers Mon idée initiale était juste de blog à ce sujet. J'ai un public assez large ici et je sais que quelques-uns d'entre vous sont des membres actifs sur le site, ce qui signifie que certains Warriors entendre parler de lui et j'espère être un peu plus sage sur ce qu'ils achètent. C'est purement mon but. Les gens sont autorisés à arnaquer les débutants sur ce forum, donc je voulais faire passer le message à eux d'être plus sage sur leurs achats. Ce que vous êtes sur le point de lire n'a pas été fait pour paraître cool, ils regardent ce que j'ai fait et ils n'ont pas remarqué. Je vraiment don8217t soins à ce sujet. Je recommande fortement que quiconque ne comprend pas mes frustrations vont acheter un produit du site. Plus que probablement il sera moins de 20, et vous pouvez choisir parmi des milliers. Alors dites-moi si votre produit correspond aux hypes de la page de vente. Hype est censé être hype, mais il ne sera même pas à distance (sauf si vous achetez un logiciel, plutôt qu'un info-produit). Ensuite, allez me dire si elle correspond aux critiques brillantes, ou les vidéos étonnantes témoignage. Puis réfléchissez à combien d'heures certaines personnes ont dû travailler juste pour obtenir ce produit. Don8217t think you8217ll certainement obtenir votre remboursement non plus. Aussi . Si vous lisez ceci via RSS ou dans votre boîte de réception, s'il vous plaît lire mon premier commentaire au bas de ce post. Y at-il une meilleure façon d'entendre parler de mon blog au hasard Wouldn8217t il serait préférable si je pouvais obtenir en face de gens réels qui sont coincés dans ce opt-in-for-tout et que vous voulez acheter tout mode Mais si mes fils seraient supprimés dans Une heure (et moi-même interdit) et mes commentaires weren8217t coller (ou si elles étaient, le propriétaire du produit vient de passer à un fil différent), sûrement il n'y avait rien d'autre à faire, mais le blog Eh bien, il y avait une chose: Les escrocs dans la section WSO, et de vendre à ces gens qui sont l'achat et optant pour tout moi-même. Et c'est exactement ce que j'ai fait. Je n'ai pas vraiment vendre quoi que ce soit. Je viens de promouvoir un eBook qui a été sur ce site depuis plus de deux ans (bien que je l'ai mis à jour il ya une quinzaine). J'ai envoyé des gens à un opt-in page où ils pourraient l'obtenir gratuitement, ici: viperchill10000-abonnés Here8217s mon thread: Si I8217m va payer 40 juste pour avoir un fil là-bas, je peux aussi promouvoir quelque chose. Maintenant, je peux vous entendre penser. Mais Glen, qu'est-ce que cela a à voir avec essayer d'amener les gens à se méfier des escrocs là-bas. Maintenez-vous sur le jeune padawan, regardez l'un des examens: Désolé si le texte dans cette image est entièrement lisible. Mon blog est seulement 600px large. He8217s fondamentalement me remerciant pour parler des produits IM de déchets sur l'Internet et dit qu'il a été arnaqué plusieurs fois avant. Il semble comme un examen aléatoire et totalement hors-sujet. Et il serait, si je donnais seulement que 10K abonnés eBook. Here8217s le suivi you8217ll obtenir dès que vous vous abonnez à ma liste: Comme vous pouvez le voir, dans le deuxième eBook, ils obtiennent ce qu'ils ont signé-up pour, avec un bonus supplémentaire ainsi. La première chose they8217re obtenir est mon guide guerrier, qui montre mon expérience d'acheter des produits multiples du site et puis je les ai examinés. TLDR: Ils avaient tous des revendications énormes, mais pas un livré. Je ne sais pas vraiment si ce serait une infraction bannable sur le site. Je ne vois pas pourquoi il devrait être, mais je suppose it8217s possible lorsque les critiques de produits simples sont en cours de suppression. Si I8217m est interdit après ce billet de blog, I8217ll accepter, mais il ne fera que renforcer mes croyances sur les meilleures pratiques (ou l'absence de) qui se produisent là-bas. Plus important encore, cela a fonctionné: plus de 200 guerriers ont ramassé l'eBook jusqu'à présent. Ce serait bien si le nombre était plus élevé, mais que 200 personnes 200 personnes qui passent activement du temps dans la section WSO du site Web, l'achat de produits et d'opter pour tous les freebies qu'ils peuvent obtenir. Espérons qu'ils passeront le message à encore plus de gens. Je pourrais avoir fait le nombre beaucoup plus élevé, mais I8217m au point où je dois continuer à heurter mon fil (40 à chaque fois), mais alors I8217m financièrement soutenir une entreprise je don8217t d'accord avec. Plus important encore que mon destin de guerrier, est de savoir si les gens ont obtenu quelque chose de mon guide: Pour terminer cette section, je veux dire que je don8217t croire chaque membre ou chaque produit vendu il est mauvais. Pas du tout. Mais d'après mon expérience, la grande majorité des produits sur le site sont des ordures et une perte de temps. Si vous allez acheter WSO8217s, procéder avec prudence. Le World8217s pire liste de messagerie Je pourrais avoir divisé ce en deux postes de blog, mais vous savez que j'aime faire défiler les gens). J'ai récemment découvert la pire liste de courriels sur Internet. Ce n'était pas quelque chose que je suis arrivée à traverser pendant la nuit, mais quelque chose qui est devenu plus clair pour moi que le temps a continué au cours des derniers mois. Sans surprise, il était la liste d'un acheteur d'Internet. Pas nécessairement un agent de commercialisation gluant, mais un agent de commercialisation néanmoins. Cette liste était la mienne. Ce n'était pas le pire parce que les gens opteraient ici et seraient soudainement redirigés vers Cloudniche 8211 en les laissant assez confus. Ce n'était pas le pire parce que certains des liens dans l'eBook que j'avais promu avaient expiré et n'existait pas. Niche de nuage dans le titre et certains avaient ViperChill Il wasn8217t le pire parce que certaines idées étaient dans une séquence de suivi et certains étaient en direct, laissant les gens encore plus confus Ces choses étaient assez mauvaise 8211 et quelque chose I8217m un peu honteux après avoir poussé le marketing par courriel Tellement sur ce site 8211 mais il y avait un autre question8230 J'ai posé cette question sur Facebook à la fin de Mars, et a reçu beaucoup de réponses intéressantes. Trois personnes ont remporté la compétition et toutes ont deviné zéro. Depuis lors, quelqu'un en fait est venu à moi avec une version bêta d'un plugin they8217ve construit à partir de l'un de mes emails. Il n'est pas tout à fait fini, mais ils ont pris des mesures. A moins que I8217m s'est trompé (it8217s possible après bien plus de 1000 réponses) pas une personne (sur 20.000) a construit un site Web autour des idées que j'ai envoyées. Et je ne pense pas que c'était parce qu'ils sont des mauvais courriels. J'ai littéralement plus de 1 000 courriels de personnes me remerciant pour les niches que j'envoie: Si elles me remercient et me disent qu'elles aiment les suggestions, pourquoi ne ferait-elles pas quelque chose? Une leçon de passion La réponse simple est que les gens ne veulent généralement pas De travailler sur des choses dont ils ne se soucient pas. Autant que j'aime marketing, SEO et ainsi de suite, j'ai détesté mon travail en Afrique à des moments où j'étais si limité par ce que je pouvais faire avec les clients. Ici, j'ai travaillé avec certaines des plus grandes entreprises dans le monde 8211 mon travail de rêve 8211 et ils me donnent peu plus d'une page Wikipedia et dire, 8220go et promouvoir this8221. Vous pouvez être sûr que pas tous les jours dans le bureau était très excitant pour moi. Fait intéressant, j'avais des gens me déranger pour plus de mises à jour. 8220Hey Glen, when8217s la prochaine idée de niche coming out8221, 8220Pourquoi n'êtes-vous pas d'envoyer plus emails8221. J'ai les idées juste il se sent un tel gaspillage pour continuer à les promouvoir. Presque comme I8217m contribuant à l'opposé de ce que je prêche. J'encourage les gens à passer d'un projet à l'autre, plutôt que de s'en tenir à une chose et de dominer vraiment cette industrie. Certains des courriels les plus courants que j'ai reçus (en plus de 8216 remerciements pour l'idée8217) étaient des gens me demandant des questions sur la façon de prendre l'idée plus loin. Comment construire le site Comment puis-je le monétiser Où dois-je obtenir mon thème de X question J'essaie de répondre à autant que je peux, mais comme un homme, je ne peux que faire beaucoup. Un autre endroit où la passion entrerait en jeu ici est que la plupart des gens ont tendance à comprendre. Si vous vous souciez de la niche assez et que vous voulez faire de l'argent, vous trouverez des réponses à ces questions. Qu'il s'agisse d'une personne que vous envoyez par courrier électronique ou de forums et de messages de blog, vous ferez ce que vous pouvez pour trouver un moyen. Donner aux gens des idées de niche au hasard ne semble pas aider. Perdre 1 000 abonnés Pendant la nuit, je savais que j'avais besoin de changer de liste pour longtemps, mais ça marchait si bien (les gens me remerciaient et les taux de désabonnement étaient très bas) que j'attendais une raison solide pour prendre sa place . Avec mon accent les derniers mois plus sur la construction de nouveaux sites Web pour les études de cas et pour les classements, I8217ve a constaté que ma passion est revenue 10 fois. Maintenant que les résultats (trafic et bénéfices) commencent à venir pour ces nouveaux sites Web 8211 dans les industries de non-commercialisation 8211 I8217ve été la création de contenu marketing plus que jamais (j'ai 4 vidéos de plus alignés pour les abonnés en une semaine, et they8217re tous D'une grande qualité). Certaines personnes ont même commencé à remarquer: Cependant, j'ai une tonne de nouveau contenu que je veux partager avec ma nouvelle motivation trouvée, alors j'ai pris la décision de réinitialiser ma liste. Cela signifie que j'ai supprimé tous les courriels de suivi dans ma séquence, et j'ai recommencé à zéro. Cela signifie qu'il n'y a plus de niche dans les nuages, et cela signifie aussi beaucoup d'abonnés confus. Certaines personnes ont souligné que l'infrecuence de mes e-mails ont probablement eu un effet 8211 et I8217m sûr qu'il a fait 8211, mais sans doute le changement de direction (que j'ai expliqué dans une vidéo de suivi à mon auditoire) et les titres de courrier électronique a causé beaucoup de confusion . Il n'y avait pas vraiment beaucoup que je pouvais faire pour atténuer cela. Mais voici la chose: C'est une honte que certaines personnes n'obtiennent plus mes mises à jour, mais cela ne me dérange pas du tout. Ce nouvel angle d'orientation et de contenu ne sera pas pour tout le monde. If you8217re not interested, the last thing I want to do is take up space in your inbox. I then went and rectified a few things: I fixed the broken links in the eBooks I was promoting (luckily I still had the OpenOffice files from years ago) I changed my 8216thank you page8217 after someone opts-in so they actually stay on ViperChill I redesigned my confirmation page when they confirm their email address I gave the email list a brand (the gold VIP Email graphic) and use that on exclusive pages just for email subscribers I now have better content coming up on my email list than I do my blog (videos, guides, audio files, everything ) A lesson for those with a list . Don8217t be afraid to change if your emails aren8217t getting the desired result. You may lose subscribers, but it8217s more important to build an audience who are passionate about the same things as you. If you8217re not in it, they8217ll know. All the praise in the world doesn8217t mean anything if your emails are not doing what you intended them to do. See you on the inside As always, thanks for reading 130 Comments I emailed this post to a few friends before it went live as it is a little controversial (though not for the sake of controversy). They asked if I wasn8217t worried about any potential backlash from Warrior or the people involved. The honest answer is no, not really. However, in case it wasn8217t clear in the post, this was a guide about changing people8217s mindsets, rather than directly targeting certain people. There8217s a reason I didn8217t link to the scammy threads. It wouldn8217t do anything for the forum as a whole. 1,2,5,10 years from now the WSO section is going to be exactly the same as it is today. I8217m not going to continue bumping my thread. It will stop sending me traffic (and pretty much has now since it8217s on page 4 or something) 8212 the horse is dead . I think I reached about the same amount of people I would have reached if my reviews and thread had stayed live. Here8217s a good example from a PM I received from a moderator there (he8217s replying to my quote question): i. imgurx9xnG3x. jpg He openly admits he gets better results because he is smarter about what to buy. That8217s basically my message here: Do a lot more research there than you probably would elsewhere. And if you8217re finding yourself buying product after product and can8217t seem to get out of it, give yourself a challenge to actually succeed with something you bought. If you can8217t, or wont try, that should tell you something. Terrific post, Glen. I purchased many products from WF when I was starting out, and I8217d estimate that less than 25 were worth reading 8211 let alone paying for. I8217ve gotten much better ebooks for free from signing up to lists (like yours). That said, every single time I asked for a refund I got one. I know a lot of people hate to ask for a refund 8211 just like a lot of people hate to return things, and unfortunately the WSO product creators count on that. Regarding the shill reviews 8211 it8217s not that the reviews are fake per se, it8217s more of a 8220I8217ll scratch your back if you scratch mine8221 type thing. Most of the reviews are written by other WSO creators, and they all give each other positive reviews, because many of them rely on WSOs for income. The fact that their income relies on taking advantage of inexperienced marketers is sad, but like all things I suspect the day will come when it no longer works for them. From what I8217ve heard the quality keeps getting worse and worse 8211 which isn8217t surprising if you think about it. Hi Rich, if you8217re saying that it8217s like scrathing each others back then the reviews are surely fake. Really, I never see bad reviews there. Like Glen said for his comments, I8217m sure that they delete the bad reviews Really bad to hear these things but it8217s the dirty trut of Warrior Forum. Excellent post, Glen. I8217ve been on the WF for a few years. tbh, it8217s the Copywriting section I find most helpful and beneficial. I8217ve bought a few WSO8217s but it8217s generally WP plugins, not GRQ ebooks that promise the world. As for PM, I8217m not surprised at his response. Mods like him are part of the problem on there. The place is an absolute goldmine. It8217s just a shame it takes advantage of so many with dodgy WSO8217s. If it was cleaned up (the forum that is), its message of hope to people wanting to learn how to make it online would be much clearer and more authentic. While it8217s full of trash, it8217s also helpful. Just stay away from paid info products. Most of the info that8217s worthwhile is spread across the forum threads for anyone to read anyway. Great post Glen, and wonderful to see you posting regularly again I8217ve felt the same way about the WSO forum for some time now, shocking that the moderators seems to support the shady activity going on there. Personally I8217ve never seen a WSO offer that seems value for money while offering believable results. I8217ve been on the Warrior Forum before, but I never found anything worthwhile to buy. I enjoy the QampA (i. e. typical forum stuff), but all of the products seemed like scams, or something that you could do yourself pretty easily. I8217ve found that nothing really replaces genuine natural SEO. Write great stuff, people will naturally link to it 8220ve found that nothing really replaces genuine natural SEO. Write great stuff, people will naturally link to it8221 Make sure you8217re on my list. I have a ton of examples where this isn8217t the case at all. I wasn8217t really expecting much from the SEO products, but just one little smidgen of something new would have been nice. I can take the concept idea further myself with testing. Alas8230nothing to be found I8217m on your list. I use some of the services, like I love your title generator I am looking forward to learning more about your link builder. I8217ve had those strategies blow up in my face in the past. When I first got started online and had come across the Warrior Forum, I remember seeing all of those WSO8217s that promised untold riches. The testimonials were very enticing 8211 especially the written ones 8211 but when you watch a video testimonial, you can almost always tell if that person is being genuine or is just trying to make some money. If there8217s one thing every newbie has, it8217s awareness. Although emotion can get in the way of that awareness with more convincing sales copy and even more shady testimonials. I8217ve got a buddy who does WSO8217s and he actually puts out some quality products, however, there has been times where he8217s asked me to give him a testimonial and I8217m like 8220dude..I haven8217t used your product..I don8217t even know what8217s in the course. If it hasn8217t worked for me then why would I recommend it to other people8221 I think that8217s where WSO8217s have gone wrong on the Warrior Forum. Everyone is just trying to get others to promote their products before there8217s any reviews. I mean, if you don8217t have any reviews..then just do what you did and give something away for free for validation. Then in exchange for giving away the product, ask for an honest no b. s. review and then use that the next time you actually put it up for sale. At least this way your testimonials are genuine right Good for you for doing the right thing and really exposing a majority 8211 not all of them 8211 of the WSO8217s that are promoted there. Newbie8217s are better off keeping their hard earned money and spending them on quality products instead of shady one8217s. Love OptinSkin, love the transparency. If there8217s anything you ever need in terms of SEO, proofreading, managing posts, masterminding on some ideas, feel free to let me know bud I8217m out here in California so when the time zone is right, let8217s connect All the best and way to go on the transparency. 8220Although emotion can get in the way of that awareness with more convincing sales copy and even more shady testimonials.8221 That8217s a good point, and probably the saddest thing about it. Seems like you8217re doing the right thing by your friend also. Thanks for the comment, Chris This post turned out way better than I thought Really interesting to read. You8217re doing awesome things, Glen8230Like always I8217m one of those people, who was excited about your cloud niche emails, and never really took any action8230At the same time, I was also buying lots of WSO8230buying every shiny new WSO. But now, after buying many WSOs and getting scammed by most of them8230I come back to read valuable posts from blogs like your8217s and a few others. I8217m amazed by the kind of work you had to put in to produce such beautiful blog posts. To me, the best WSOs are the ones with live case studies8230Where the author actually starts everything from scratch and makes it work. Anyway, I8217m looking forward to your New VIP emails8230.Your last email with SEO tools was very useful8230.Thanks a lot bro. Agree about the case studies example (though not because they8217re WSO8217s). Stephen Baker says: Another awesome post, loving it I can honestly say it8217s been a long long time since I8217ve actually been excited to be on someone8217s list and look forward to every email. It8217s a good feeling to have. Appreciate you letting me use your email in the post (For everyone else, I ask permission first). Glen, it must be really frustrating to see all that crap on the WSO and the embedded corruption of their system. I think your most effective way of fighting it is continuing to write great content. Let inexperienced people see the difference between your posts and the crap people want them to buy. That8217s a good argument. I did say in my Warrior eBook that I actually didn8217t ask for refunds on any of the product (besides one I bought the other day) as the anger makes me want to create better content 8220I now have better content coming up on my email list than I do my blog (videos, guides, audio files, everything8221 Were reading your site even before I started with my website but subscribed just a week or two ago. I guess I wanted to squeeze all from the blog first (it generated ideas that made not only my website successful, but ultimately taught me a craft). That8217s probably why I rarely subscribe to any site and follow only selected few (would love to one day hear about the sites that you, yourself, follow). I definitely love what you8217ve said above. Namely, people are deluding themselves that same content can be regurgitated over different media and keep people both satisfied and waiting for more. This is so wrong, and especially when it comes to e-mail lists, where there is the additional 8220trust-me8221 factor. Even more when we are talking about content with the intent to inform. Thanks Glen 8211 i love your take on the Warrior Forum. it is so true. I started blogging just 3 weeks ago 8230 just a normal blog 8230 no fancy advice or make money ideas and was looking for some SEO tips 8230 so I came around the WarriorForum. I was amazed how funny all these posts are 8211 you are so right saying that most people just earn money by teaching people how to make money). As a 8220normal8221 blogger I really appreciate your advice and I am sure I will soon use one of your quotes on my blog :-). (ok 8230 target group are females 8230 so not for you). Thanks a lot for all your good advice on this blog 8230 one of the best I found 8230 I hope lots of people get hit by Penguins, Pandas, Polarbears or Parrots or Pelicans 8230 they should be punished for ever by these little animals (whatever they mean). Thanks for showing a lot of these 8220Internet Marketers8221 (sounds already like a lawyer or banker) that great content is the most important and they should start making their websites for the users and not just try to make money (I hate removing all this spam from my blog). Love this post ( and the pdf which I read the other day). I hang my head and admit to being sucked in with WSOs for about a week before I snapped out of it. I8217m grateful that what I bought was mostly software and plugins but did but buy one ebook ( yes, useless even to this noob). What really pissed me off though was waking up to over FORTY hard sell emails a day, sometimes several from one seller. Not adding value or trying to build a relationship, just hard sell. Some without an unsubscribe and one that didn8217t even mask his email list. Unfortunately I8217ve gone that route8230 I8217ve complained, raised hell and was promptly banned for my troubles. Now I8217ve never been one to buy WSOs or even promote them and truth be told the other sections of the forum (copywriters section, mind warriors section) have a ton more useful posts and people8230 people who also stay away from the WSO section. Some people however will always find themselves back in the WSO section8230 and I8217m sure the reasons have more to do with their laziness and the promise of quick riches rather than them being newbie marketers. Scam me once, shame on you scam me twice, shame on me8230 and that8217s true for the WSO section. Most buyers are repeat buyers who never seem to learn the WSO owners are making by teaching them how to make . At least that8217s how I perceive the WSO members8230 the people buying are as much to blame. Even when shown the right way to do things (which involves work) they prefer to chance their luck on the next offering hoping they will make a million overnight thanks to some loophole. Bought something for the first on WF last week and the product delivers what it promises ). But the feeling is there that it will not do the job but it did, and happy with it. You cannot just generalize everything in WF, you have to take a risk and see for yourself. What was it There8217s a big bold section where I say not everything or every member is bad, but the majority of WSO8217s are. After buying 5 in the last two weeks, I can8217t think any differently. These were 5 that were praised and very popular. Glen, This is all true8230It is sad that the warrior forum is now filled with scams and scammers 8230 But am sure there are a few people who still have great products on the forum. only that the scammers have taken over the place. i really enjoyed the SEO resource post8230 For the cloud niche e-mails 8230sad but true8230the thing is 8230many people may thing other people will make use of the ideas you reveal and because of that 8230they don8217t pursue it. I actually was one of cloudniche subscriber. And guess what, there was so many good ideas that I read through my inbox, but none of them which I successfully realized. Well I completely agree with your reasons to stop cloud niche. You know Glen, I think you8217re right about a lesson in passion. Many beginners jump into the IM business under blinded conditions. Including me personally. In a sense, blinded conditions means they don8217t knowing what their personal strengths and potential. They do not know their interest. They do not know what they like. I think, how do we find what interests us or what we like is the question that must be answered first. Do you have any suggestion Hi Glen, I8217m new here so was a bit confused when I didn8217t get the cloud niche book but now I see why. My own blog is teaching a but of IM (also Taoist health practices and some Tony Robbins stuff) but it8217s all free. Time to make money now though. I just watched all the cloud blueprint vids for the first time and am thinking about that a lot. I8217ll probably stick with these niches as I have a passion for them. I8217m looking forward to seeing what else you have to offer. I read Tiffany Dow8217s blog and now will add yours and Ramsey8217s. The no bullshit vibe just speaks to me from all three of you. Great post Glen WF should be called WTF forum. The question is do we really need this platform Personally I don8217t think so. The info therein can be found easily on credible blogs and sites that are run by credible people that care. If WF was credible why would they delete Glen8217s posts Enough said I am relatively new to online business and have been on the WF but got a bad feeling from the outset so stayed clear. This is probably because I started my journey reading and listening to quality. As we know in reality there are no shortcuts in lifebusiness and these products promote just that. I have and am immersing myself an a daily basis in quality content whether it be podcasts, blog posts, books etc. But how do you recognise genuine quality content that can help you on your journey Easy 8230. 910 don8217t try and sell you something until your ready and see the benefits and they have usually given us a ton of free info that gets us on the right path to start with i. e once you trust the info and them. The best and most successful blogssites do this and have a huge following because of it. So once you find the genuine people that want to help what happens They recommend other genuine people, blogs, books etc for you to follow and that8217s the path I recommend. Here are 3 to start you off if your new to all this Viperchill Niche Pursuits 8211 Spencer Haws Smart Passive Income 8211 Pat Flynn These are all you really need to be successful online. Oh and it helps to have passion, focus and drive too Some of the WSO eBooks or Reports are so bad that even guys at the 8220free sharing8221 forums would snub them even though they get it for free. Think of the poor guys who are paying money for those rubbish and getting ripped off every day. This is a very timely post and hopefully would alert at least some people intending to buy those junks. Well done Glen. I just want to say, a short thank you for all the posts and emails you have sent in the past. I have been taking my time in reading and learning all this IM stuff, but it8217s with greater purposes in mind. I8217m not looking to make money, but to give it all away to a good cause (at least with this particular project 8211 see photosbyeros. artistwebsites for details). Whatever you do, please don8217t ever purge me from your mailing list. Between you and Ramsay, your thoughts are like pearls of wisdom. Stay tuned to see what other projects I8217m coming up with. Those will be decent and honest money making ventures (with a charitable component of course) that will be a ray of sunshine compared to those shady folks lurking in the WSO shadows. Keep up the great work kind friend Hi Glen, Great post, again Here is another idea, how you could help the people how buy WSOs and even other products, for example through Clickbank. It is my approach of helping: I one it is hard not to buy this stuff I mean, imagine if a product is the 8220one8221 and you don8217t buy it After all, it is possible So it is normal that one wants to buy those things. The more important message has to be - gt You can always get a refund Especially when paying with Paypal You will never lose since there is no seller-protection for digital products. For example: If a software promises you to do something with 3 clicks and at the end its 25 clicks8230 GET A REFUND If it says 8220350 a day8221 and it does not8230. GET A REFUND I think this hurts them more then not buying it Because you get to see the product and your money back Ok, I8217ll have to be the first to admit it. I sold WSO8217s for 8 months about 2 years ago. Being 19 at the time I thought it was an awesome place. I was in a training program and trust me it8217s known by the top 8220marketers8221 in the forum that WSO8217s are a complete scam. In fact I was making a good 300 passively from the list I generated and I started feeling like a giant jerk and asked one of the 8220teachers8221 in the training program: 8220I8217m not really teaching them anything. It feels like i8217m just teaching them to sell other like I have sold others. Is this even right8221 Teach: 8220thats how the game works, dude its easy money. WSO8217s are like catching fish at a supermarket. Look they want to buy, we are just giving them something to buy8221 Finally, I was making a promotional video for one of my new 8220products8221 to sell on my list and my girlfriend happened to be in my apartment at the time. I was using phrases like 8220why are you still no living your dream8221 and 8220More money than you can handle, the only problem will be what to tell your bank8221 (in a shitty marketer voice. ) When I got done my girlfriend literally looked up at me and was like,8221 wow, people believe that shit you are spewing8221. I felt like such a dick I deleted everything, literally everything. People sent angry messages asking where was that content that just yesterday they could see. My last email to my list was something like 8220I8217m a shitty human being, I suck. Bye8221 Sorry if anyone bought any products from me. Wow8230 quite an extensive read for someone who just started on her morning coffee8230 LOL8230 As usual, great stuff coming from you and I agree wholeheartedly about WF8230 Fortunately, I never paid to become a member, only as an affiliate in their program which I recently dumped8230 Weren8217t any products I liked that I felt worth promoting8230 Clearly, WF is 8220censored8221 to protect their own self-interests. I rarely go there anymore except out of boredom or curiosity8230 not worth my time. Love the way you got around their 8220censors8221 and got your info in the hands of susceptible users8230 too bad it cost 40 bucks but I8217m sure you got a lot of new subscribers and fans as a result8230 Knowledge is Power8230 use it wisely8230 wow..i8217ve been read for almost 6 times for the last 2 days. To be honest, i really want to discussion about something that confusing me. I have make some references for my few friends to read this articel. Then try to ask them and make some talks. Anyway, i8217ve joining Warrior Forum For almost 2 years, and i dont really think that i want to buy something from there. I prefer to get some discussion and get the better insight, sometimes i solved my problems in there rally. For now, in my opinion 8220Naturalness8221 is the best way to get the best result in SEO. Till now i really fell the best influence from all my backlinks is from contextual link, write something really good, people love it and they will share it. Great post. Very much enjoyed it. Great post Glen8230 There8217s a lot of ridiculous stuff on there. And I learned long ago to take every testimonial with a grain of salt. But you still get that little urge in the back of your head that says, 8220Yeah, but what it THIS is the one that really does something8221 Then I have to splash cold water on my face and do something worthwhile with that money instead. There are very few voices to trust in this field. Thanks for being one of them. I8217ve been a silent reader of your blog and email list for a long time now. I just wanted to say that I actually used a lot of your Cloud Niche ideas, and launched a website in December 2012. Your advice about how to pick and narrow down a niche really helped me focus 8211 although I didn8217t actually use your specific niche topic suggestions. Don8217t be so hard on yourself, there are plenty of people out there that you are influencing who just don8217t speak up. I was one of them The blog I created is called Landlordology 8211 a resource for landlords. landlordology Keep up the great work, and thanks again, Lucas I believe that people didn8217t execute your cloud niche ideas because you gave them away for free8230 If you had charged 47 per month for this newsletter subscription, I am sure at least 5-7 of them would have taken some action. When you give it for free, it is cheap 8211 not priceless. People don8217t want to invest hours, days and weeks on 8220cheap8221. Because you priced it less it became that way. It8217s common thinking. If the info is life changing 8211 it shouldn8217t be free. It8217s not all about passion. There are a lot of people who have built websites and products around niches which they are not passionate about. (Including me) 8211 and they make a descent income. Such people are passionate about the business as a whole and not the topic. Looking forward for your reply. I8217m glad that someone like you has finally took a stand to the cesspit that is the warriorforum. Having said that, there are quite a few warriors there that are genuine, however it is at a 9:1 ratio. I, myself was banned from trying to warn people about the so called ARTICLE MARKETING SUPERSTAR ALEX SMITH aka TIM NAGLEY. This person with over 20k posts, posting up to 25 times a day who claims to be a full time marketer as well as a forex trader. Threads are constantly deleted, especially the WSO8217s where people have been scammed, all to protect the income coming in that is the WSO. People should also be careful of Mike Lantz8217s WSO of the Day. It8217s made out like it8217s an official extension of the WF but8217s it not. And it8217s laughable how people selling WSO8217s proudly display their WSO OF THE DAY AWARD like it means anything. Fact is, Mike Lantz chooses the wsos by way of most selling. People should also check out these guys8230 These guys have done a great job unearthing the real identity of the ALEXA SMITH persona, and it gives you a little to think about why the forum is so intent on protecting HIM, yes, it8217s a him and he8217s name is TIM NAGLEY. Anyway, my advice, stay away from the warrior forum, especially from the people i mentioned above. Keep up the good work Glen, I don8217t normally comment, however I had to share this and help get the word out of that scammy cesspit, freedom of speech suppressant forum that is the WF. P. S Paul myers is not a top internet marketer, although he likes to think he is. He is nothing more than a mod on a IM forum. nothing more, nothing less Thanks, Glenn, for naming names. There8217s an internat marketer who is railing against con-artist gurus but he8217s not daring to name anybody so it8217s toothless. I8217ve been guilty of the 8220if it sounds too good to be true, it must be true8221 foolish attitude in buying some of those products, but I8217m on the road to reality now and appreciate your efforts. I don8217t really think I named them 8220that8217s not my style8221 8212 at least not their usernames on the site. There are other sites out there really designed to name and shame. I8217m hopefully just awaring people about the platform. Thank you for the comment Fantastic post, as always. It makes me SO ANGRY that your actual factual HELPFUL post (few and far between at WF) are being deleted. As I work with beginners in setting up online stores, it really bums me out that so many people are being taken advantage of there. If you dont mind, I8217d like to donate some CASH so you can bump that thread. Give back to the community a bit Are you down with that I hate how it helps line the pockets of the people that enable these things to happen, but if it helps another 200 people get off on the right foot, I think it8217s worth it. Shoot me an email and let me know. I did actually bump it twice. Maybe I8217ll do it once more No need to send the cash, but thank you for the offer. A bit of a limbo between more people hearing about the guide and actually giving money to WF It8217s rare I read whole blog posts especially long one8217s. I usually scan and skip my way through but having experienced your report on gaining 10,000 subscribers (which I gained as a freebie in the War Room I have been kinda hooked on your content. Your comments on WF seemed quite brave when I first read through. I was thinking this because I have always put so much emphasis on building a good reputation on the forum. Getting banned and deleted posts is maverick I completely agree that the WSO section does have many weak products. More over are the sheer number of supposedly hot shot IMrs that promote those WSO8217s. It perpetuates the problem and serves as a justification for many8230 Generally I steer clear of the forum mainly due to lack of time with doing some genuine work building my online business. WF is a huge distraction in many, many ways, most of which are due to lack of focus I will vote for one part of the forum and that8217s the War Room. It8217s free products (for those that don8217t know), reports and other stuff that you can download without opt in 8211 master stroke There are some worthwhile items in the WR but without kissing backside (:)) your 10k subscribers report was by far the best piece of content I downloaded. Thanks for your words and yes I am about to subscribe after this post. Well I for one am grateful for you looking out. I have wasted money on a couple of wso8217s and I learned my lesson. If there is anything good there I guess I am out of luck. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. I will keep my money thank you. One reason I am a subscriber is because I can sense that you are a stand up guy. You provide plenty of great content and you don8217t seem to abuse your list. So keep doing what your doing a lot of us may never comment but we are out there reading your stuff and glad were on your list. Hi Glen, Good to hear from you. There are some good bargains to be had on the Warrior Forum if you8217re savvy 8211 I picked up a great plugin at Christmas called OptinSkin 8211 seemed like a great deal to me82308230. I feel your frustration with the Warrior Forum WSO8217s section. It is about 99 full of people taking advantage in an unethical way and trying to make a quick buck. it does seem a little ironic as the people being so regally and repeatedly ripped off are the very same people that have given the Warrior Forum its success. I do believe we need a call to arms that all ethical marketeers can rally to and highlight the less desirable side of our business. I for one hold up my integrity and treasure it far more highly than turning a quick buck. Thank you for the post, and for spreading the correct messages. Greet article Glen You saw how I felt on Twitter the other day, not a fan of WF at all. I won8217t even sign up for the site. I have browsed it a couple times though and was instantly turned off. I was going to do a similar post this week, but you were way more tactical and in depth. Hmmm, might have to hold off on that lol. I had pretty much the same experience on Digital point though. Oh well, just do your own thing and don8217t worry about the scum reproduction forums. Haha Glen I literally laughed out loud when I scrolled down an saw my face in your post I felt like what you were doing resonated so much with me though, I had to reach out and give you a pat on the back. Too many people, sadly, have the impression that the internet is this money printing machine that doesn8217t require any real-world skills, business logic, or exchange of value proposition for money 8212 just a 8220little hack8221 that makes me 500day on autopilot I mean, really, it8217s one of the most ridiculous things I8217ve ever seen and experienced. Like I said in the email, that was my first introduction to the internet, and glad those days are now long behind me I read this blog post and your PDF about the Warrior Special Offers (WSO) being a scam. I totally have to agree with you. Most of them are just re-hashed versions of the same things. Some don8217t even practice what they preach. A clear example of this is Aiden Chong, who actually does NOT do online marketing at all. Zero. He does not do SEO, he does not do social media 8211 you name it, he doesn8217t do it. What he does do is sell re-hashed information. After discovering this information I stopped being friends with him even though I should be glad that he was being honest about it. But that was just the last straw for the Warrior Forum and I never go on it any more as I realised it was turning more and more into a scam. Another one that I8217d like to name and shame is Mario Brown. When I see his ads on Facebook I just want to LOL because Mario Brown is a scam as well. While I don8217t know Mario Brown personally, I did pay for one of his courses and regretted it. At this stage of my life, I was looking for new ways to get clients and the WSO was that each month he would show you how to get new clients and tell you the results of his experiments the month after. There was also a bonus Skype MasterMind Group. 1) The experiment failed miserably and he even admitted it. At least he was honest but what a waste of money since the WSO said that it was about new methods to get clients that WORKS. Not ways that don8217t work 2) He was never at the Skype group. I ended up being one of the leaders of the group because everyone else were newbies and asking questions. In the end I just gave up, I was giving money away for client sales techniques that never worked and answering everyone8217s questions when he was supposed to. Mario did come on sometimes to apologise for not being there, but never offered any help to those who needed it. All in all, Warrior Forum is a haven for scammers. Lets stick to being authentic and creating real value On that note, thank you Glenn for being authentic and always creating real value for your readers. Mohammed El-Cheikh says: Thanks for the great post. I have never purchased anything from the warrior forum because I always sensed it had some shady characters on it and all the product8217s look too good to be true. It would be great if a honest affiliate marketer could create a site dedicated to reviewing the top offers on the WSO section so people could read and make a sensible choice on whether to purchase a WSO or not. Glen, i8217ve been contemplating purchasing this product here, appsumohow-to-make-your-first-dollar and was wondering if you have had any experience with app sumo product and if its worth it Would love your advice8230 Thanks in advance I just checked and aweber tells me I8217m subscribed to both your blog and cloudniche. However, I8217m not receiving any kind of emails, also not the ones you mentioned in your latest blog post (about SEO, videos etc.) 8211 the only emails I get are those from feedburner about your latest blog posts Could you please reset my email or remove me from your list and then tell me where to sign up again Would really appreciate that I have purchased a couple of dud WSO products because I got sucked in by the alluring sales pitch. As long as you stay away from the stuff that promises instant riches, you should be OK. I have purchased a couple of things that have worked real well. Those sellers responded promptly to customer quieries and their products worked. The really sad news is that the owner of the forum clearly knows that the majority of the things promoted are crap but the value of those 40 submissions and price bumps outweighs customer disastifaction. Disgusting the way that they won8217t allow any negative feedback on products there because they are blatantly admitting that they don8217t care about the poor newbie buyers at all. Here8217s what one of the geniuses at a blackhat forum thought you were trying to do: Sad to see the master of viral marketing offering a guide, he believes would help people save money on WF, behind an opt-in page It appears he is just trying to make the most of it by getting more subscribers to his list Just like everyone else, tryin to make more money Nothing wrong with that but making it appear as a great service to the world is He is just doing what the pricks at WF do but in a hideous way like the hideous warrior ebook that got his threads deleted and it sucks the poor fella has no idea why LOL He must have been really living under a rock on brokeback mountain with his links guy to not know whats been going on at the WF No offence but thats how it appears He saw a huge platform and decided to exploit it Thats all there is to it. Nothing against him but if he was so keen to spread the word about the scammer forum then why not make it viral instead of trying to get more subscribers What he did there was really very sneaky man, not everyone can see it but I8217ve been in IM since he was still in school You have to promote something. I8217m not going to give away a free eBook that everyone else has had to opt-in for for years. If I really wanted to exploit I wouldn8217t stop bumping the thread (they get far more valuable when they have more replies, and go on over multiple pages). Everyone on WF knows this. He must be living under a rock He8217s actually misinformed in his comment. The threads were not removed because I posted the eBook. I never posted it. I was simply talking about WSO8217s. Glen: It is understandable that there will be rip-off artists in a place as big as the WF however, it is hard to understand why WF moderators would want to allow people trying to push scams and inhibit people trying to stop scams. I guess they have their reasons, but it is hard to believe that such shady practices won8217t come back to bite them in the future. Anyway, thanks for the great post and heads up. BTW, I don8217t think there is anything wrong with your WSO on the contrary, I think it is rather commendable. WF moderators may disagree, but there is nothing wrong with informing people about blatant scams. You are doing WF moderators a favor by helping to improve the quality of their site at your own expense Too bad they see it differently. I mentioned it slightly in the post. Basically it8217s a cash cow. Every single product for sale cost 40 to put there. Also most people bump their thread (40 each time) multiple times. This means for everything sold, they probably average between 120 8211 200. There8217s a reason they would want to protect that. One of the top moderators was recently found living in a trailer park, despite claiming to make a ton of cash online. Yeah8230 I agree with you. Warrior forum is become to be money machine for many people but sometimes one of them want to get fast money. Fortunately I always search the WSO with 8220hype sales page8221 on black hat forum so I don8217t lose my money vain. I brought some WSO with my own money and it worked. How I can do that and learn is this WSO scam I always check their previous posts on Warrior Forum and did they give valuable information yeah you can check the quality of their WSO from their threads or posts. If I checked the WF user thread was awesome (yeah I mean awesome) and received many likes and reader, and I can do it by myself without buy their WSO, I bet they create honest WSO. Difficult to find this user Of course because they sell WSO is not to get fast money. They only want to share and WSO is not main income for them. Sorry for poorly grammar but I hope this will clear WSO especially for new comer Graeme Pedersen. says: I (stumbled) on this blog on page 14 of Google search, while looking for a review on Inner Circle Riches. I used to look for the Warrior reviews and, believe it or not, they warned me of several scams. I do thank you for the comments here. I have been sucked in and purchased from the wso8217s offers several times, have never gone for the upsells tho. I will be usubscribing from the Warrior e-mails pronto. It will clear my inbox substantialy Thanks for the expose Whew That was a long read. Can8217t believe I stuck around for the whole thing. Yeah, I got sucked into WFWSO for a while but caught on pretty quick. They def suck the life out of newbies. Its all about making money from those who want to make money (pyramid scheme). I8217ll be looking for your emails. I was once ripped off by a product that boasted it had a solid linking strategy. Instead it gave me the run-around and all the information it gave was useless. The worst part was that it was heavily advertised on a forum and the publisher of the e-book was also answering questions from potential customers. I8217m only glad I didn8217t spend too much money on the product. Hey, Im Glen . In February 2009 I quit my full-time job and have made my living from the internet ever since. Having previously worked as the Social Media Manager for the likes of Nissan and Hewlett Packard, I took my skills and successfully applied them to my own projects. ViperChill is the place I share everything Ive learned in order to help other people make a living online. 1.4M Case Study

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